Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The big 2-7

So every year, when my birthday rolls around, I delight in rehearsing telling people my new age. You know, just so I don't forget in the heat of the moment and accidentally tell people that I'm younger than I really am.

This year when I practiced, it didn't feel so exciting anymore. Without sounding melodramatic, something feels a little different about turning 27.

I have this idea that everyone has an emotional age, the age that they are on the inside, after which they have to work to remember the right age to tell people. My mom, for example, says that on the inside, she feels about 26. Some people hold 30th birthday parties year after year because they don't quite move beyond it in their minds.

I wonder if 27 feels weird because my emotional age is 26. Is this it? Will it always feel funny from here on out? Will I seem hopelessly immature for the rest of my life, after having seemed extremely grown-up for my age until now? Maybe when I'm old, it'll be cute.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Great seeing you last night. Thought I would check your blog out since I am procrastinating with my studying. I just turned the big 2-7 this year, gasp. But I'll tell you what I've been telling everyone else...I'm only 25. I was just doing that because I can't believe that I am 27, gasp, but after reading your blog, now I know that maybe my emotional age is 25. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.